13 Jul
How to fix Yahoo Not Working on iPhone

Obtain solution on how to fix Yahoo not working on iPhone

Yahoo might be installed on various kinds of devices and the iPhone is one of the best to use for anybody. So if you are the user of iPhone device and reporting an error that your Yahoo Not Working on iPhone device, it is important to check out the settings of your device so that you can make sure that it is the fault of the mail server that sometimes does not work fine most of us unable to use our web mail services on your iPhone device.

Since iPhone settings are quite different than Android so this kind of problem might be pursued by everyone, but the solution is very simple after getting the real cause of the issue.

Following are the ways to fix Yahoo not working on iPhone device:

  • At first, turn on your iPhone device and then go to the settings and then select the Yahoo account tab.
  • Select the email service settings and choose the mail server to enable the settings and enter the port number.
  • You must select the IMAP and SMTP mail server and then select the SSL mail server that would provide you basic tactics to solve the issue soon.
  • Now select the save change button finally.
  • If you still face the same error, contact our techies to get a genuine solution soon.
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