06 Jun
How to Recover Gmail Account in Gmail App?

Gmail Account Recovery Using Gmail App

If you are a Gmail user and also use smart phone such as Android or Apple iPhones. You should start using the Gmail app in your phone and you will be able to sync your Google mail account with the phone and you will never miss any important email. You just need to login in to your account once when you install the APP in your phone, and it will always remain logged in until you don’t log out manually.

If in case you are not able to login using the Gmail app in your phone, because of incorrect password, you can follow the given steps to reset the password for Gmail account recovery number:

  • Open the Gmail app
  • Enter your username
  • Click on next
  • Click on I forgot Password
  • Chose the verification method (recovery email or recover phone)
  • You will receive a verification code on your recovery email or phone you have to confirm the code on the App
  • It will ask you to reset the password and confirm it again

The password of your Gmail account is reset now, you can login to the Gmail app using the new password easily.

* The email will not be published on the website.